01. What is YENİLETİŞİM?
• New (adj.) Substitution for the older one.
• Communication (n.) Transmitting emotions, thoughts or information to others in any way imaginable
• YENİLETİŞİM (Yeni + İletişim) New + Communication
• What distinguishes YENİLETİŞİM from conventional communication is “Change Communication”.
Over 25 years communications industry experience
YENİLETİŞİM is a star that will guide for success.
• The strategy takes priority in our works. We are accompanied by our two pioneering wings, in which we strengthen the development through the continuous change of communication and the emergence of emergencies.
• Our finance and government experienced consultants give you strength as our driving force.
• Yet, our daily communication activities ensure the continuity of our YENİLETİŞİM model.
Our unique model always keeps your communication strong and vigorous, eliminating the risk of backwardness. It saves your communication safe side.
03. YENİLETİŞİM Breath Principle™
YENİLETİŞİM communication strategies help to breathe comfortably. With continuous self-renewing communication processes, your communication is not interrupted in the fast rush of the business world. Thus, you cannot grapple with non-breathing communication strategies.
04. YENİLETİŞİM Waterdrop Strategy™
Although they are different in each case, so far, nothing has been able to withstand everlasting drops that have the same drop intervals, effect and speed. YENİLETİŞİM Waterdrop Strategy™ creates a unique sustainable roadmap for you. The tailor-made strategy focused on your goals leads to success.